
Showing posts from March, 2020

Project 3: Survival Kit ideas and Response Questions

A global virus is causing varying levels of concern. You have been asked to self-quarantine for at least two weeks, and will have no access to other people.     What would you pack in your survival kit to make it through the week?   my cat daily medicine  weighted blanket clean underwear and socks tooth brush/toothpaste soap phone, charger, headphones journal and pen/pencil water pocket/army knife hoodie my glasses or contacts and solution flask  This is all too real and unfortunate, but it's interesting to see how people are pulling together and getting done what they need to get done despite the circumstances.  I think I am handling things much better than just 3 days ago.  Things keep changing, there are no definitive answers and the unknown always makes me wary and anxious, but I'm going to continue to try to find the light in the situation and pull from the resources that I didn't know that I had to work with along with everyone else.    

Project 2 Response Questions

In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific?      Originally, I had a lot of other ideas that I was tossing around for this project.  I think I was thinking too much on making a statement with vinyl than with working with the space.  I went back to probably my first idea that I put down on paper, because I realized how I really could work with  the words on a road sign.  Then I was thinking about the message and how much I wanted the sign to be able to be seen at a church for how fitting it seemed contextually.  I think that the words "THIS is the sign you've been praying for" seem more profound on a physical sign, and then even more so in front of a church.   How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically  in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again?      I have never really made art, working with a space before s

Blog 4

I enjoyed how all 4 of these videos focus on different aspects of film making and none is better than the other, but each are suited for their intended purpose.  Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement      This Vimeo was my favorite of the 4.  It showed the importance of movement in keeping a film fluid.  1) The movement of nature sends emotional triggers. 2) Movement of groups involves using crowds to make emotion feel big.  3) Movement of individuals uses exaggeration of expressions to convey emotion. 4) Movement of the camera is using fluid camera moves in a single unbroken take.  5) Movement of cut changes up the rhythm of the film and keeps the audience on their toes.  These are great techniques in captivating the viewer.  Satoshi Kon- Editing Space and Time      Kon uses animation to warp time and space which creates a "blurring of reality and fantasy."  Kon uses framing, objects, sequencing and many other edits to create scene transitions that keep his films interes

Project 2- I Saw The Sign
