Project 2 Response Questions

In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific?
     Originally, I had a lot of other ideas that I was tossing around for this project.  I think I was thinking too much on making a statement with vinyl than with working with the space.  I went back to probably my first idea that I put down on paper, because I realized how I really could work with  the words on a road sign.  Then I was thinking about the message and how much I wanted the sign to be able to be seen at a church for how fitting it seemed contextually.  I think that the words "THIS is the sign you've been praying for" seem more profound on a physical sign, and then even more so in front of a church.  

How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again?

     I have never really made art, working with a space before so I had some anxiety in the beginning stages.  Technically speaking, I was proud of myself for using newly learned Photoshop to help bring my ideas to life.  I was able to play with the text font, color, positioning, etc.  Before this class I would have never thought to do that, but I really think that element of technology helped me bring my project to light.  

Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?
      I thought that this piece seemed difficult at the time, because it was uncharted territory.  If I were to do it again, I think I would try to challenge myself with more difficult vector images.  I also did find it difficult in the brainstorming and in the installation steps.  

Reflect on the critique and consider how your experience was different from the first: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.
   I like to hear what people thought my piece meant before I joined the conversation.  It's neat to see how something so simple can be interpreted differently.  For example, is it supposed to go hand in hand with religion? Is it supposed to be about fate?  And for me, the point of that sign is exactly so that it can pertain to any person on whatever they need the "sign" to mean to them.  Though sometimes it is difficult to receive criticism, I enjoy how constructive it is and am able to really see how I could edit my work to make it better.  And to find pride in the areas that peers thought I did well at.  

Please share any other thoughts.
     Now with moving our class online, I am really glad that I at least got to partake in some tools (vinyl cutting) that I wouldn't normally have access to.


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