Blog 4

I enjoyed how all 4 of these videos focus on different aspects of film making and none is better than the other, but each are suited for their intended purpose. 

Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement
     This Vimeo was my favorite of the 4.  It showed the importance of movement in keeping a film fluid.  1) The movement of nature sends emotional triggers. 2) Movement of groups involves using crowds to make emotion feel big.  3) Movement of individuals uses exaggeration of expressions to convey emotion. 4) Movement of the camera is using fluid camera moves in a single unbroken take.  5) Movement of cut changes up the rhythm of the film and keeps the audience on their toes.  These are great techniques in captivating the viewer. 

Satoshi Kon- Editing Space and Time
     Kon uses animation to warp time and space which creates a "blurring of reality and fantasy."  Kon uses framing, objects, sequencing and many other edits to create scene transitions that keep his films interesting. 

F for Fake (1973)- How to Structure a Video Essay
     This video focused on how to Structure a video so it builds and holds interest.  It explains to avoid "and then" scenarios and replace them with "therefor" or "but".  "Meanwhile" is also a good way to hold ones interest, by having more than one story in parallel.  Then the one story lines builds to peak interest, switch to the "meanwhile back on the ranch" mentality to keep the audience in suspense and hold their interest. 

Lynne Ramsay- The Poetry of Details
   I also really enjoyed this Vimeo.  I love how simple things can act so profound.  In Ramsay's work one can, "ignore the plot and appreciate the picture and sound doing something unique."  This is a way of film making that the details can tell the scene without words.  The eye, the vision is what captivates the audience. 

Depending on what it is that I am trying to convey in art or film, I can look to these videos for insight on how to accomplish these techniques. 


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