Project 3: Survival Kit ideas and Response Questions

A global virus is causing varying levels of concern. You have been asked to self-quarantine for at least two weeks, and will have no access to other people.   

What would you pack in your survival kit to make it through the week?  

my cat
daily medicine 
weighted blanket
clean underwear and socks
tooth brush/toothpaste
phone, charger, headphones
journal and pen/pencil
pocket/army knife
my glasses or contacts and solution

This is all too real and unfortunate, but it's interesting to see how people are pulling together and getting done what they need to get done despite the circumstances.  I think I am handling things much better than just 3 days ago.  Things keep changing, there are no definitive answers and the unknown always makes me wary and anxious, but I'm going to continue to try to find the light in the situation and pull from the resources that I didn't know that I had to work with along with everyone else.  
    Also, I always struggled with Distance Learning for school, so I'm hoping I can keep up.  

This being our first online project, how did our new format change your experience of working in this class?
     Though I do not like working solely online, I think it was an easier transition than I had expected.  

How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?
    I think I challenged myself most by using multiple platforms.  I worked in Illustrator, though I am not very comfortable using it and and exported my work there into Tinkercad.  I picked an object that held importance to me and seemed more challenging than other ideas I had sketched out. 

Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?
     The parts I felt challenging were alignment in objects and also working on the underside of the tag.  On the underside, I had to tinker with flipping the text backward and with alignment I had issues with selecting the corrects parts that I was trying to align.  Another challenge was just that I have a hard time reaching out to classmates because I feel like I'm pestering them, but I did and I think who I reached out to- we were able to bounce ideas off of each other and help each other out.  

Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.
     The feedback I received most of was to add detail on the collar itself.  I do agree this is helpful feedback in making it look more realistic.  While I don't want to add flowers or something that isn't really part of her collar, I do agree that I could add some sketch marks in to make it look like the fabric.  

Was there anything that your professor could have done to better support you thought this project?
     I don't think so, this is a unique situation we're in and I appreciate the support I do have.  

Please share any other thoughts.
     I am excited for when I will be able to print it myself and paint it.  I also have been thinking of other ideas that I could use Tincercad for.   


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