
Showing posts from January, 2020

Project 1 Brainstorming

Look at student work and artists listed below, choose at least one to respond to. Use these examples as inspiration for this assignment. I really like image number 10. It is the only image in this collection that is clearly about identity, but doesn't have a portrait image of the artist. It still shows how the artist has pulled their identity from both the state of Georgia and in Philadelphia. And how living in rural and urban settings have influenced their identity. I also aesthetically like the color/contrast and shape schemes. Written brainstorm responding to the questions outlined below. Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity?  I am an observant person and pay attention to detail.  That reflects in my art because mainly my medium is realistic drawing where I need to focus on a small area for a good period of time.  That also reflects my patient nature.  I suffer from anxiety and depression and have found comfort and connection

Identity In class exercise

The letter C with the carrot on top in my last name indicates that the c is pronounced "ch".  My last name is pronounced Soar-check.  It's Slovakian and means cricket hence the cricket in the picture.  My cat, Lola, is also shown.  I adopted her almost 15 years ago and she's around 17 or so years old.  She's been with me through a lot of ups and downs and I can't imagine my life without her. 

Animal Composite

What characteristics make up your personality? intuitive, empathetic, independent, flexible (go with the flow), anxious Is there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? (Hair, eyes, height, skin color) maybe having blue eyes  Is there an activity that you love? traveling, music Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time? cat, red panda  What animals could embody the characteristics you listed above? cat, jellyfish, magpie, narwhal What location(s) would this new creature exist in? ocean/sky

Blog 2- Black and Blue

We live in an age that revolves heavily around technology , and with that- the internet.  In the article "Black and Blue: American Artist Is Redefining How We Think About Race in the Digital Age"Artist sheds light on the inability to define identity on the internet.  I found Artist's Facebook work very thought provoking where they replaced photos of themselves and others with blue squares.  But I liked even more how Artist referenced the Blue Lives Matter movement leaving us with the question, "how can you identify as blue, which is not anyone's actual identity?"  On the internet you are free to either have no identity at all or to create one that you wish to be without doing the legwork of actually becoming that person.  You can, like the article says, "invest in a software instead of becoming a better person."  Like Artist, I can decide to make my art reflect on my identity.  In my Animal Composite I used jellyfish, who are independent, intuitive

Dia De Los Muertos Collection

Your collections Is there something physical you collect?  Day of the dead figurines, trinkets, wall art, etc.   What digital collections do you have...for example: Mostly photographs.  I also have years of college papers, power points,  tax info, etc.   How does the digital world affect the way we collect?   I digitally save a lot of photographs or papers I might normally throw physical copies away since I don't have space to keep it.  However, because I can file them digitally it does not creating physical clutter.   Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible): I was able to find and save a variety of Day of the Dead images.   What will you? (be as specific as possible, ie. swimming pools in Philadelphia) Day of the Dead objects  How many? 5 images with multiple components  Where to source ( online - google maps, instagram)? google images Why did you choose to collect what you did?  It is easier for me

Nice to Meet You

Who are you? Jess Sorcek Where are you from? Born and raised in Bucks County, Lived in Philly for 15 years, currently living in Delaware County Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her Tell me something about yourself? I work Full Time in a public school as a Special Ed paraprofessional What is your major? Art Education What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)? charcoal, conte drawings What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for? Google to satisfy curiosity.  Instagram to get and share ideas. Spotify for music.   Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo)?  Salvador Dali   Who is your favorite musician (share a link)? I listen to all types of music.  Maybe the band Fleet Foxes What do you hope to get out of this class? Learning what Digital Imaging entails and learning how to utilize it with my art.   Can you sit still for an hour? I have scoliosis, so I am able to with some pain.  I have to stretch

Day 1
