Dia De Los Muertos Collection

Your collections

Is there something physical you collect?  Day of the dead figurines, trinkets, wall art, etc.  

What digital collections do you have...for example: Mostly photographs.  I also have years of college papers, power points,  tax info, etc.  

How does the digital world affect the way we collect?   I digitally save a lot of photographs or papers I might normally throw physical copies away since I don't have space to keep it.  However, because I can file them digitally it does not creating physical clutter.  

Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible): I was able to find and save a variety of Day of the Dead images.  
What will you? (be as specific as possible, ie. swimming pools in Philadelphia) Day of the Dead objects 

How many? 5 images with multiple components 
Where to source ( online - google maps, instagram)? google images

Why did you choose to collect what you did?  It is easier for me to work on a project I can connect to, so I chose a collection of pictures of the types of objects I have at home.  


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